Clearance of compartments


Non si tratta di operazioni difficili, ma che senza dubbio richiedono tempo: lo sgombero di cantine, solai, uffici o depositi è un lavoro quotidiano per i nostri professionisti che intervengono su locali di ogni genere. 

CASA IN MONTAGNA - Pulizie e Altri Servizi si occupa di fornire servizi di manovalanza anche per traslochi.
Ask for our prices

We provide you with the following services:

The cellars are environments in which many objects accumulate, from old and shabby furniture to objects that no longer work. Sometimes, on the other hand, when buying or renting, we find any material belonging to the owner. For this reason it is advisable to clean these rooms with the removal of unused and non-functioning material. But where to take the objects? How to transport them? What legal requirements should I make? To overcome this problem, the easiest and quickest solution is to contact our staff who are in charge of clearing cellars.

Have you moved home and need to transport your furniture and all your belongings? Do you have to free an apartment of all its belongings, small furniture and more? Our guys offer you what you need.
Surely what you need when there is an apartment to be emptied is a company that takes care of clearing it by transporting and moving all the objects in order to free and clean the rooms.

Business premises
Are you relocating your business, shop or office and need to move your equipment, electronics or storage? You only need the labor or even a means.

Request a quote, HOUSE IN THE MOUNTAINS - Maintenance and Cleaning will help you find a solution.

Rely on Casa in Montagna - Maintenance and Cleaning which takes care of all those housework, for which you never find the time to do and you will gain more time for YOUR special moments.

Interested in our services? We are here to help!

We want to know your needs precisely in order to provide you with the perfect solution. Describe your requests to us and we will do our best to help you. Book an Appointment!


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